The Family of Faith Program is our primary religious education program at St. Patrick's parish. There is a breakout session for parents and children, a meal together and a time of family prayer. Lessons to expand on the monthly theme are completed by the families at home. The Family of Faith meetings are once a month from October to May.
Children who are entering 2nd grade AND will be 7 years old by December 31st may be registered for the Year 1 class, they will make their First Confession in this class and begin First Communion Preparation. Children may be registered for Year 2 after they have completed the Year 1 preparation year, this year will end with Confirmation and First Holy Communion at Mass with the Bishop. Please contact Mrs. Pollock with any questions.
To participate in the sacramental preparation classes children must be registered and participating in our Family of Faith Program.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a wonderful program and we are blessed to be able to have an Atrium space here at St. Patrick's. Our Pre-K and Kindergarten students will have lessons in the Atrium during our Family of Faith meetings. Older children who are enrolled in the Family of Faith Program may enroll for additional Catechesis lessons in our Atrium space.
Please direct any questions you may have regarding our Faith Formation Programs to Mary Pollock
Director of Faith Formation at
using the button below.
2024/2025 Dates
Family of Faith
Saturdays 5-7pm
October 5th
November 2nd-8:30am Mass followed by 10:00 blessing of the cemetery.
December 7th
January 4th
February 1st
March 8th
April 5th
Mary 3rd
Year 1 and Year 2 Sacrament Prep
Sundays 11:30-12:30
October 6th & 27
November 17 & 24
December 15
January 12 & 26
February 9 & 16
March 2, 9 (11:30-2pm) & 23
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