All baptized Catholics are called to a life of radical Christian discipleship in which we love the Lord above all things and love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40).
St. Patrick Parish offers a multitude of opportunities to serve Christ, his Church, and our neighbors in need. Listed below are some of the many ministries, apostolates and organizations at St. Patrick's.
The boys and young men who assist in the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy are members of the Guild for Altar Servers. Boys who have been confirmed and made their first Holy Communion, until college age, are welcome to apply. College men and young adults are also eligible to serve at the altar. For more information or to volunteer for service at the altar, please contact:
Fr. Michael
603.863.1422 ext. 6
The parish choir sings at the 8 am Solemn Mass on Sunday mornings at St. Patrick's Church. For more information on how to audition to sing in the choir, please contact:
Mrs. Katherine Yost
This is a fraternal organization for boys and is closely related to the Knights of Columbus. It focuses on physical, spiritual, and intellectual development and civic duty. Boys age 10-18 are eligible to join the Squires Circle #5896. For more information, see our website or contact:
Mr. Allen Ouellette, Grand Knight
Men and women of the parish are commissioned for the distribution of Holy Communion to those who are hospitalized, homebound, or reside in an assisted living community or nursing home. Catholics in full communion with the Church who have been registered and active parishioners for at least six months are eligible to volunteer for this service. For more information, please contact:
Fr. Michael
603.863.1422 ext. 6
All high school youth are invited to join the ACTS 29 Youth Group, which holds periodic events throughout the year (social, catechetical, and service) including the organizing of the annual Steubenville East Youth Conference weekend. For more information, contact:
Mrs. Sue Larose
The Introduction to Catholicism meets from September through May each year on Sundays at 11 am at St. Joachim Church Hall. These classes are an introduction to Catholic faith and life for anyone who wants to learn more about Catholic Christianity, and those who desire to join the Catholic Church prepare for their reception into full communion with the Church in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) For more information, please contact:
Mr. Michael McLaughlin
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization built on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity & Patriotism. Our service programs are Church, Community, Youth and Pro Life. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 7.00 pm in Assumption Hall, and for more information please visit our website or contact:
Mr. Allen Ouellette, Grand Knight
Adults Catholics who are in full communion with the Church and who have been registered and active parishioners for at least six months are eligible to volunteer for service as lectors who read the Scripture lessons at Mass. For more information, please contact:
Fr. Michael
The Men of St. Joseph is an association of Christian men, united under the Catholic Church, who meet to pray together and encourage each other to be spiritual leaders of their families. Meetings are held on the third Saturday of every month at 7 am at Assumption Hall. For more information contact:
Mr. Michael Tremblay
St. Patrick's Respect Life Ministry aims to increase our parishioners' participation in the defense of the Unborn and the marginalized through prayer, pro-life events and education. For more information, contact:
Mrs. Brianna Marino
Homeschooling families with young children meet each month on First Fridays for 8:30 am Mass, followed by a time of fellowship in Assumption Hall. For more information contact:
Mrs. Erin Moore
At every Mass on weekends and holy days of obligation, ushers welcome visitors, take up the collection and organize the offertory procession. For more information, please contact:
Mrs. Bernadette McLaughlin
Contact Father Michael.
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